
Baby Food Jar Valentines

Back in October I saw someone use baby food jars to do little Halloween treats with candy corn and thought it was a cute idea. As my twin boys started on solids and I had TONS of baby food jars I decided to save some of them and make little Valentine treats. I had originally thought I'd glue ribbon around the edge and just cover the top with paper, but it didn't work. The ribbon was hard to glue on straight and it bothered me that the edge of the lid wasn't covered. So, I broke out the mod podge and some red recycled mulberry paper (the mulberry paper softens up quite nicely with the modge podge and curves around the edge of the lid much better than most other papers probably would) and that did the trick. Here is what we ended up with...

We filled the jars with M&Ms and Swedish fish, stuck on a tag and they were ready for delivery to teachers and friends!

This idea could be adapted to any holiday and I also think this would be a cute party favor for a baby shower.


The McArthur Family said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Adorable.

Jessica said...

Holy super cute.

Unknown said...

Amanda,Rachel suggested I take a gander at your blog. I just love your baby food jar Valentines. What a cute idea! I have a few baby food jars left in my craft box. I might have to put them to use sometime!