
Bowling Birthday

After a year of changing ideas for her 7th birthday party my daughter finally settled on a Bowling Party...
I asked my dad to cut me out some little bowling pins that I could make into necklaces for party favors. My daughter and I painted them white, I drew lines on them with red marker and stuck on a sticker initial for each child. I then mod podged them to seal the sticker on and threaded them with red ribbon to make a necklace.

I also made sugar cookies to send home as a party favor. Each child got one of each cookie in a little bag. I also used the bowling pin cookies as a border on the bowling ball cake.
I used a flooding technique a friend told me about for the cookies. You pipe a border on each cookie and then flood it with a runnier icing. I piped all of the bowling pins, but had limited time (and was lazy) and didn't pipe the bowling ball guy or the balls... they would have looked much crisper if I had done that... maybe next time:) I iced the cake blue and then put lines of darker blue and white on the top of the cake. I mixed the colors as I spread the icing of the cake to make it look marbled. I used malt balls cut in half to look like the holes of a bowling ball.

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